learningtecgirl posted an update in the group South West UK 10 years, 8 months ago
Just wondered if anyone was feeling a bit snowed under with keeping up with ocTEL? Or is it just me?
learningtecgirl posted an update in the group South West UK 10 years, 8 months ago
Just wondered if anyone was feeling a bit snowed under with keeping up with ocTEL? Or is it just me?
First rule of ocTEL Club: You can never be behind as you have no expectations but your own!
Yes, there IS a lot but it’s like a buffet, you don’t have to taste all the dishes let alone clear the table (….although it’s tempting); the quantity is there to allow everyone to have the selection they want/need.
However, if you are used to courses that expect you to ‘clear your plate’ (and I expect that’s true for all of us) trying to do it all is a hard habit to break.
Remember, you can take away a ‘doggy bag’ of resources you didn’t get round to looking at, plus the network of contacts you will have developed for further discussion, at the end of the tutor-supported part of ocTEL.
Good point Tracey. Old habits die hard. Thanks for the words of wisdom. Feeling much better now.