Fleur Hills
@fleurhills active 10 years, 5 months ago-
Julie Voce wrote a new post, julievoce: @fleurhills We only had 1 student rep on the VLE committee, so there was a lot of reliance on them knowing what students want. #octel, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 7 months ago
@fleurhills We only had 1 student rep on the VLE committee, so there was a lot of reliance on them knowing what students want. #octel— Julie Voce (@julievoce) June 10, 2014
Fleur Hills wrote a new post, fleurhills: @richosborne Inspired by your fantasticTech trumps. Wondered if you print them out and leave lying around for serendipity?#octel ., on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 7 months ago
@richosborne Inspired by your fantasticTech trumps. Wondered if you print them out and leave lying around for serendipity?#octel .— Cathy Hills (@fleurhills) June 09, 2014
Fleur Hills wrote a new post, fleurhills: @julievoce #octel Impressive planning for new VLE. Wondered about the impact rating difference for Staff and Student engagement?, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 7 months ago
@julievoce #octel Impressive planning for new VLE. Wondered about the impact rating difference for Staff and Student engagement?— Cathy Hills (@fleurhills) June 09, 2014
fleurhills wrote a new post, fleurhills: Learning Technologists – extreme sportsmen and women! #octel http://t.co/57wvFt5E48, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 8 months ago
Learning Technologists – extreme sportsmen and women! #octel http://t.co/57wvFt5E48— Cathy Hills (@fleurhills) May 21, 2014