Fleur Hills
@fleurhills active 10 years, 5 months ago-
Fleur Hills replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 7 months ago
The project I was involved in and have described in the If you only do one thing activity this week was not an elearning project and therefore the six critical success factors identified by Cochrane (2012) are not directly applicable. However, these six factors are underpinned by fundamental themes which are crucial to the success of using te…[Read more]
Fleur Hills wrote a new post, Leadership, Management and Keeping on Track, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 7 months ago
The presentations from Julie Voce, VLE Review Project at Imperial College, London and Lisa Carrier, MSc Allergy Programme at Imperial College were extremely helpful and demonstrated excellent practice. They […]
Fleur Hills wrote a new post, fleurhills: @richosborne Inspired by your fantasticTech trumps. Wondered if you print them out and leave lying around for serendipity?#octel ., on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 7 months ago
@richosborne Inspired by your fantasticTech trumps. Wondered if you print them out and leave lying around for serendipity?#octel .— Cathy Hills (@fleurhills) June 09, 2014
Fleur Hills wrote a new post, fleurhills: @julievoce #octel Impressive planning for new VLE. Wondered about the impact rating difference for Staff and Student engagement?, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 7 months ago
@julievoce #octel Impressive planning for new VLE. Wondered about the impact rating difference for Staff and Student engagement?— Cathy Hills (@fleurhills) June 09, 2014
Fleur Hills started the topic in the forum 10 years, 7 months ago
<p class=”MsoNormal”>I would choose a longitudinal, formative form of eAssessment which enabled the lecturer to assess work online using a combination of ‘stock phrases’, free comments and an overview comment. I would use these in conjunction with a rubric to show the student how their work aligns with a set of meaningful criteria. This woul…[Read more]
Fleur Hills posted a new activity comment 10 years, 7 months ago
In reply to: fleurhills posted an update in the group Enthusing staff to engage with TEL Perhaps we are looking at this question from the wrong angle. If trying to enthuse staff isn’t working, is there another way? Enthuse and […] ViewYou are right, highjacking is not the right way or the right term. Working with staff to help them feel confident using appropriate tools for their desired outcomes is more like it. I use highjack, though, in the sense that it can be useful to put yourself in the place of a course director in order to suggest real situated technologies they might…[Read more]
Fleur Hills wrote a new post, fleur hills 2014-05-26 17:08:45, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 7 months ago
ocTEL 2014
Explorer activity 1.5: Are you ready for online learning?Penn State University: Online Readiness Assessment
San Diego Community College: Online Learning Readiness Assessment
Illinois Online Network: […] -
Fleur Hills wrote a new post, fleur hills 2014-05-26 15:45:38, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 7 months ago
What’s the theory?
ocTEL Explorer Activity 1.4
Stories on how technology has enhanced learning
The two stories that interested me were Stephen Downes and George Siemens on MOOCs and Helen Keegan’s Augmented Reality Game. They interested me because their ‘daring’ approaches are thought-provoking and really challenge the traditional way in which we practice learning and teaching. Sometimes I think that these radical shifts are what we need rather than softly-softly steps towards reinvigorating education.
The George Siemens video describes a MOOC in which emphasis is placed on social media and technology affording participant interaction. Siemens’ is a connectivist theory which places the utmost importance on networks of people and knowledge. Downes and Siemens wanted the social interaction between participants to actually produce content. Some content, such as common texts and readings were provided, but the aim was to use these as a catalyst for discussion and interaction that would generate more content and ideas. The video was reminiscent of this ocTEL MOOC in that connections and reflections with other participants are a rich source of learning themselves. The other stated aim of Downes and Siemens’, that of creating a network of participants learning from and with each other that would remain long after the official course had ended, is hopefully an outcome of #ocTEL 2014. The ideas are ‘revolutionary’ in that they explode the traditional method of teaching, where one person imparts knowledge to a finite set of students at a specific location for a decided duration.
Helen Keegan’s inspirational, orchestrated Augmented Reality Game was radical and, by her own admission, unethical. She admitted that it didn’t suit all her learners, but what she undoubtedly achieved with her students was real engagement, excitement, a sense of heightened awareness and a willingness to look beyond the stated everday meaning of things. The course was Advanced Multimedia students so it could be argued that the subject lent itself to the use of social media tools such as tumblr, twitter, youtube, foursquare etc. However, the fundamental game-playing quest and problem-solving structure could be transferred to many other disciplines. Her experiment reinforced my opinion that games-based learning has a real place in education.
Recently George Siemens has been asked by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to head a Research Initiative on MOOCs where the goal is to get hard data to bear on specific questions about the efficacy and application of MOOCs. -
fleurhills posted an update in the group Enthusing staff to engage with TEL 10 years, 7 months ago
Perhaps we are looking at this question from the wrong angle. If trying to enthuse staff isn’t working, is there another way? Enthuse and engage students so they demand more TEL in their courses? This might work especially as students and parents are wanting their money’s worth. Should we consider hijacking courses or sessions ourselves to lead the way?
fleurhills posted an update in the group Enthusing staff to engage with TEL 10 years, 7 months ago
It seems we are all experiencing the same problems trying to engage staff: fear of technology, fear of losing control, lack of time, lack of understanding of what an LT does etc (as expertly summarised by Mark Anderson). The most successful way of enthusing staff for me has been to offer a context-based idea or solution with a specific incentive -…[Read more]
fleurhills joined the group ocTEL CMALT 10 years, 8 months ago
fleurhills joined the group Enthusing staff to engage with TEL 10 years, 8 months ago
fleurhills wrote a new post, fleurhills: Learning Technologists – extreme sportsmen and women! #octel http://t.co/57wvFt5E48, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 8 months ago
Learning Technologists – extreme sportsmen and women! #octel http://t.co/57wvFt5E48— Cathy Hills (@fleurhills) May 21, 2014
Fleur Hills changed their profile picture 10 years, 8 months ago
Fleur Hills posted an update 10 years, 8 months ago
Starting ocTEL late, but determined to catch up!
fleurhills earned a week 0 badge: Webinar Badge 10 years, 8 months ago