• bmetcsi started the topic in the forum 10 years, 3 months ago

    This is a useful tool and does make you consider what dimensions an activity might impact for example if a directed activity with an assessment outcome that is a practical submission changed to an automonous one, consideration would have to be given as to how/ where the direction came from which could be traditional paper handouts but could…[Read more]

  • bmetcsi replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 3 months ago

    I agree with this.  Many learners require a good deal of scaffolding in order to get them to the end of the journey!

  • week-0-webinarTune in or watch the weekly recording of each week’s webinar to achieve the this badge. To receive this badge click on the badge link and enter the code given during the webinar in the submission box.

  • week-0-topicAutomatically earn this topic badge for completing at least three of the badged activities from week 0.

  • week-0-tel-explorerThere are three activities outlined in the Week 0 TEL Explorer section and this badge can be earned up to three times. Click on the badge to make your each of your submissions for Week 0’s TEL Explorer badges.

  • bmetcsi replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 5 months ago

    I have not used forums much but have been experimenting recently.  We have a number of blended learners covering the same modules at opposite ends of the country, some have suggested they’d like to be in contact with each other and this could be a way of accomplishing that.

  • Each week we award a TEL One badge for completing ‘If you only do one thing…’. As week 0’s one thing is to join/watch the webinar this badge is awarded to TEL One (other thing), which is to record your reflections for Activity 0.1 Big and little questions. Click on the badge link to enter your submission.

  • bmetcsi replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 5 months ago

    For me TEL has to do what it says, it should be simple to facilitate but have maximum pedagogical effect at the other end, our institution has just switched over to Moodle 2 which will hopefully be a better platform to work with.  Interestingly and echoing some of the other comments here,  I am finding that standalone products i.e free website b…[Read more]

  • There is debate about awarding credit for attendance but given the style of this course we feel it’s important to find mechanisms for you to see who also is active within each week. Click on this badge link to ‘check-in’ and see who else is also active in this topic.

  • bmetcsi changed their profile picture 10 years, 5 months ago