• Santanu Vasant replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 8 months ago

    @ghizzi_d – “Across the PGCE course students, there was an enormously diverse range of content types, approaches and foci. There was also an enormous range of ability and facility with the use of the technology, the relation to pedagogical practice and standards of implementation. So even amongst young/ newly qualified teachers there were many who…[Read more]

  • c.collis replied to the topic in the forum 10 years, 8 months ago

    Hello: my first ocTEL post. Great points, @bexferriday


    your previous experiences with TEL and what technology was involved;

    I’ve been lecturing for 15 years; I’m now head of department. I’ve tended to use TEL at a basic level, using Blackboard to push content to students. My teaching team all use Facebook effectively in their units to commu…[Read more]