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Enrol on ocTEL – Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning – start date 28th April

16/04/2014 in About this course, Course information

The Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning (ocTEL) is back! Starting on the 28th April 2014 you will be able to participate in this free online course designed to help you better understand ways to use Learning Technology for teaching, learning and assessment. The course has undergone a revision and now is shorter (six weeks plus induction week) and we are working on incorporating new features including Open Badges for accreditation. Register now at

Below is an outline of the course to give you a sense of the timings and content. ocTEL doesn’t follow a traditional format and whilst we’d love everyone to complete ‘the course’ you can drop-in for the material and events most useful to you. Ultimately our aim is to help you make connections between people and knowledge to aid your personal development. ocTEL is also an ideal opportunity to consider the connection with your existing skills and experience and Certified Membership of ALT (CMALT).

  • Week 0: TEL & the future (induction) – 28 Apr 2014

  • Week 1: Concepts and approaches – 5 May 2014

  • Week 2: Learners and learning – 12 May 2014

  • Week 3: Materials, platforms and technologies – 19 May 2014

  • Week 4: Support, feedback and assessment – 2 Jun 2014

  • Week 5: Leadership, management and keeping on track – 9 Jun 2014

  • Week 6: Enhancement, review and evaluation – 16 Jun 2014

The course is designed, written and supported by members of ALT on a pro bono basis. All its content depends on our community and your expertise, experience and know-how. You can contribute resources,become a tutor or help run one of the live sessions. You can also contribute to discussions, use the #ocTEL tag to share your own content across the web.

All content of the course is published under a creative commons licence (CC-BY), which means that you can re-use it, share it and re-mix it.

More information

See the ocTEL platform:

Register for the course:

Watch a short film about the 2013 course:

Promoting the course

If you’d like to help promoting the course to make sure there are plenty of participants to share and learn with then click here to tweet the text below:

Registration is open for the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning (#ocTEL). 28 April 2014 #altc


24/04/2013 in Course information

Hopefully now you now feel confident about finding the places, people and opportunities within ocTEL that might best support your learning. With so much activity going on across channels, one of our challenges is providing ways for you to find your way in this broad landscape, highlighting and directing you to clusters of activity that might be useful to you. As the course evolves we are trying to respond to your needs so in this post I wanted to signpost some places you might not have been aware of which will allow you to make new connections.

Read the rest of this entry →

Taking advice

15/04/2013 in Course information

ocTEL has been up and running for over a week now. After a start where the momentum of the email discussion threatened to run away with itself, Stephen Downes, who is a ‘critical friend’ on the project, shared his advice to OcTEL. We’ve taken that advice to heart and this post outlines how we’ve sought to embrace his suggestions.

Stephen advises:

  • set up a system whereby you are sending out one email a day to people
  • in this email, put your course announcements at the top
  • also put a link to the mailing list archives, or (even better) links to the current topics on the board archives

… you can use this system to incorporate ‘publish in your own space’ responses

  • create a mechanism to allow people to register their blogs
  • set up an aggregator of participant blogs
  • include the aggregator listings in the once-a-day email


  • aggregate the Twitter posts for the course tag (I forget what it was; I’m sure it’s in an email somewhere)
  • aggregate from the diigo group –
  • list these posts in your once-a-day email

One email a day: the Daily Newsletter

When creating the ocTEL platform we were conscious of the need to push information to participants in a timely and useful way. From day one we had included the MailPress plugin for WordPress for distributing a daily and weekly newsletter. Read the rest of this entry →

Helping to ensure your contributions get read

09/04/2013 in Course information, related courses and developments

Course Reader Submission Form

Course Reader Submission Form

We aim to provide you with one easy-to-use location to which any ocTEL participant can add their activity, and then anyone can read it through an integrated interface. The feature of the ocTEL course platform that enables this is the ‘Course Reader‘. This tool provides gateway to all the participant generated activity that we are able to collect from RSS feeds (short video on RSS in plain English). Clicking on the ‘categories’ on the right hand side lets you filter for specific channels. Up until now the only way you could add your content was by going to your profile clicking the ‘Edit’ button and following the steps to add your blog and blog feed. As there is many more course artefacts being created in other places like Storify we’ve now added a ‘Course Reader Submission’ form to your profile page.

So if you have a resource you would like to share on the Course Reader, visit your profile (you’ll need to login or click the ‘Profile’ link and fill in the form and it will immediate appear in the Reader Other category.

For more information on your profile page and course reader see these screencasts.

If you would like to share your thoughts on the ocTEL platform visit this forum.

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