ed3d (Peter) posted an update in the group ocTEL City (immersive learning) 10 years, 8 months ago
Getting to Primland (a building tutorial for OpenSim)
Bear in mind that OpenSim differs from SL in allowing the region owner to archive the region as an OAR file provided object permissions are set appropriately. Moreover, you can run a region and viewer from a USB stick (and upload OARs though you need the command line for that). See http://simonastick.com for info.
Primland should itself be available as an OAR in due course. If you are interested in looking at it now, I suggest something like the following:
1. Create and confirm an account at http://kitely.com (this is a commercial grid but the Regular account is free)
2. Follow the instructions here: https://kitely.atlassian.net/wiki/display/doc/How+to+Enter+Kitely+Virtual+Worlds .This involves installing a viewer such as Firestorm for OpenSim.
3. You need to choose a starting location; I suggest the default Kitely Welcome Center http://www.kitely.com/virtual-world/Ilan-Tochner/Kitely-Welcome-Center
4. Once you arrive inworld (much as in SL), open the map — Ctrl+M and search for fleepgrid.com:8002:Primland then click Teleport. Your Kitely avatar will then teleport to FleepGrid (which is a personal project of someone working at the University of Cincinatti).In terms of moving the avatar you can use arrow keys or WASD. If I can help further, let me know.