learningtecgirl posted an update in the group South West UK 10 years, 7 months ago
Would be grateful if colleagues could take part in the following:
learningtecgirl posted an update in the group South West UK 10 years, 7 months ago
Would be grateful if colleagues could take part in the following:
Can’t do this as none of them are relevant for ‘my’ learners – just wanted to explain that I wasn’t ignoring your post though!
What we are hoping for is suggestions from the community as to what apps are being used. I’m assuming that what you mean is you are not using mobile apps in this area? Is that right.
Well, yes, but more than that, there are no TEL resources which can be used effectively with our learners for formal assessment purposes; we use plenty of apps for wide-ranging purposes but NOT assessment simply because they are inappropriate for our learners but, then, to date all programs, not just apps, are inappropriate for them – it is a problem.
Interesting to hear this. It’s not just formal assessment we are interested in but also informal, summative and formative as well. Are your staff using iPads for marking for example?
No, very few of our students produce ‘markable’ work, in the generally understood way. We use apps for activities such as cause and effect, for example. The progress of our learners is seen more often in soft skills. Actually, I’ll link you my blog post because I think that explains it better than I can do here. However, just because our measurements tend not to be ‘standard’ does not mean we do not need to do them – we do! But the how of it is remarkably tricky and whilst the program I specify contains all that we need, there are technological problems with it : http://fernf.com/2014/06/04/octel-week-4-supporting-learners-through-assessment-and-feedback-using-tel/