Mark Anderson posted an update in the group Enthusing staff to engage with TEL 10 years, 8 months ago
Hi everyone. Last week I attended a conference hosted by the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education about creating change in universities. Many of the issues and ideas that emerged had a lot to do with engaging staff and minimising the resistance of academics to change. My summary of the event may be of interest in the context of our discussions here … http://edtech.atikkam.com/experiences-of-major-organisational-change-in-higher-education/
Thanks Mark
Interesting & relevant even if we mostly operate at a more modest level than the speakers. I was particularly struck by the last two examples of Sussex & Cambridge. It was refreshing to read too that organisational change in HE needn’t always be negative & reactive.
We all have our spheres of influence no matter how small and can start there. Understanding the culture and the context in which staff are operating is fundamental to making progress & timing new initiatives.
Have a read of Mark’s post other octelers.
I can’t seem to open the link – I tried this morning, then again this afternoon. I’m getting edtech.atikkam.com can’t be found. 🙁
Thanks for your insightful feedback Rose.
Hi Janet,
I know, the server is down at the moment. They are updating hardware or something. Most annoying. Apparently it should be up again in a few hours.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but thanks for trying! 🙂
Best wishes,
I’m pleased to report that my site is back up now 🙂