w.lynwood posted an update in the group Librarians / Information Professionals 10 years, 8 months ago
Has anyone else had chance to think about the questions under Week 2 – If you only do one thing?
I’ve had a quick think about
Are you leaning towards one approach in particular on ocTEL, and if so why might that be? Perhaps you are employing strategies from more than one approach?
How might we encourage ‘deep learning’ in online contexts?I’m certainly seeking to engage in deep learning, but lack of time is making me feel as if I’m just surface learning, so taking a lot on board, noting it down, but then not investing sufficient time to reflect, and think about how to apply to my own situation. Perhaps this is inevitable given that this is something that I’m doing out of interest on top of existing workload. I’m hoping that the notes I’m making and points of interest that I’m highlighting for myself within Evernote will prove to be a useful resource bank in the days and months to come.
I think that were this a course I’d paid for (does investment of money mean that you’re more likely to value the content and make more of an effort to participate?) and/or there were some form of formal assessment linked to it then I may be trying to find more time to invest and as a result move towards deep learning. (Although maybe I’d just be behaving more strategically!) Having watched the webinar earlier this week I also think that it’s important that learning tasks are well designed – lack of thought as to what a particular activity is hoping to achieve and how that aim is going to be practically translated may mean that deep learning is only ever going to be a crazy dream…