s.rhiann.farley replied to the topic Activity 0.2: Small group reflection in the forum Librarians / Information Professionals 10 years, 8 months ago
What can we tell about the range of experiences and preferences among ocTEL participants?
Looking through the forums and groups it is quite clear that there is an incredibly broad range of  participants from a wide areas of interest and expertise.
What challenges does this present for the course?
Being able to engage and deliver content that is going to be relevant to such a broad spectrum could be challenging.
In what ways is a MOOC like this one well or poorly suited to these challenges?
In relation to this particular MOOC, from what I’ve been able to see so far it rises to this challenge quite well in doing exactly some of the things we have been discussing in this week’s webinar, mainly giving participants the time to explore and familiarise with the online learning environment, providing instruction on areas of contemplation and thought but then handing over ownership and organisation of particular tasks and outcomes to the participants themselves. In this way each group of participants can engage on the points relevant to their own expertise and share these across the MOOC with others.
@s.rhiann.farley – I agree re. the MOOC rising to the challenge of trying to be relevant to, and a useful learning experience for a wide variety of people. It guides, without being overly prescriptive, and allows you to take from it what you find useful. The topics seem broad enough to cater for the novice and the more experienced. There’s certainly a lot of food for thought!