theedgepic posted an update in the group Enthusing staff to engage with TEL 10 years, 8 months ago
I think some contributors have already mentioned this but building relationships is possibly the most important factor in working with staff, although also really challenging because resources might not stretch to it. Online resources, sessions and support centres all have their place but since they take effort to use, go to, get in touch with, all have that intrinsic barrier of ‘can’t be bothered’ for a variety of genuine and not so genuine reasons.
In terms of spreading responsibility has anyone used simple techniques, like ‘spheres of influence’ to engage with influential members of staff and work through them to influence those around them? I know this is the model behind champions etc… but am thinking in more general terms i.e. find out who is influential and work with them in an more informal manner, not as an identified champion. I’ve experience of this working very well in private training providers, especially with how can I say it? ‘The more reluctant’.
Hi Tim
Yes relationships are key and the more you can connect with influencers the better. I have worked on this basis for a long time but at the moment seem to have hit a block. Quite a lot of staff have reached a certain level of maturity with TEL – they are pretty fluent with VLE, have mastered e-submission/marking, can even manage twitter feeds on Moodle, run blogs etc. (that sounds rather technically focused but hopefully you get the drift) and don’t see the need or don’t have the time or energy to extend their TEL practice.
Moving on from here is the challenge …..
I’ll come back to this – working in tiny text box here on my phone.
Just read agenda for L & T committee in one of my schools today and TEL is on the agenda. These kind of opportunities need to be grabbed. Will see what I can do 🙂
I need to think about what you have said Rose, good point. In effect, are we talking about a point at which complacency might creep in (a quality improvement culture issue?) or simply that the contribution of technology has been maximised. Interesting!
I meant to add…does your organisation also have more formal methods for ensuring that staff engage with technology, use and review its contribution to their TLA? And is there a direct link back to quality improvement strategy?
Hi again Tim
In answer to your question the only quality stipulation for staff is to have certain basic content on their module on the VLE & this isn’t monitored specifically. However subject areas are audited every few years and some sampling of module sites would be done then. Managers also take some interest and programme teams often evolve templates so students get a consistent look & feel. I don’t think TLA is a term we use in HE.
As to your earlier comment all apply 🙂