Julie Voce posted an update in the group Enthusing staff to engage with TEL 10 years, 8 months ago
You might find the UCISA Engaging Hearts and Minds case studies useful – http://www.ucisa.ac.uk/publications/engaging.aspx. They’re from 2011, but I would imagine most of the ideas are still applicable.
Thanks so much for sharing this- It looks really interesting and I’ll take some time to explore it. I love the idea of a ‘Friday Fry-Up’!
I recently started a monthly ‘lunch and learn’, held in the same room (TV Studio) at the same time and date each month (tomorrow in fact, so I’m going to miss the webinar this time around).
I haven’t themed it strictly along TEL lines, so far we’ve had a bit of TEL, some leadership stuff, behavioural economics etc.
Way too early to know if it is going to sustain itself, or if it dies a death, I reckon involving a real fry-up would make it a whole lot more popular!
When we ran a monthly teaching and learning network at UCL it took a long time to get things going and the Learning Technology team had to drive it a lot in the early years. Eventually, the members started to drive it more, but it took time and effort to get there. There’s a case study about the UCL teaching and learning network in another UCISA guide from 2007 – http://www.ucisa.ac.uk/publications/inncomm.aspx
Good luck with your monthly meetings!