guy saward posted an update 10 years, 8 months ago
@neobadwolfone hope you don’t mind me adding you as a friend. Am interested to explore how friends and commenting works on this platform.
In particular I wanted to tag you in a post about outdoor pictures (http://octel.alt.ac.uk/2014/forums/topic/a-photoavatar-paints-a-thousand-preconceptions/#post-8416) but didn’t seem to be an obvious way to do this.
All the best and hope you enjoy the course!
Hi Guy – yes this is fine of course – I’m likening it to being at a party with lots of different rooms at the moment – on the first day I was having good fun on the ocTEL forum page (I’m a bit traditional after all & wanted the reassurance of being on THE ACTUAL COURSE WEBSITE – with “proper” conversations – there was probably real ale & Pink Floyd in that room) and it was only later when I realised that I’d missed what had been happening in the Twitter room (younger kids – hipster bobble hats & rolled up jeans – tweeting to music I don’t understand) and as for diverging completely & linking in via individual participant blogs – well I don’t think I was ready to leave the party & spend that much time with just one person – but you get the idea … I don’t want to always feel that I’m missing what’s happening next door …. But maybe it’s inevitable
🙂 … I have been banned from skinny jeans and converse (so last doctor or two)
And while there’s always more stuff to learn, there’s always the same old issues. Question of sorting the wheat from the chaff to chat – and another 22 ocTEL email notifications still to read 🙁