ed_bremner posted an update in the group Art & Design 10 years, 8 months ago
Hi All in Art & Design,
thought I would just say hello….
Looks like there is only two of us so far in the ‘Art & Design’ group…..hope we get a few more.
I am curious about your interests: Using TEL for teaching Art & Design….or effective use of Art & Design in TEL? I guess for me I am more interested in using TEL for teaching Media and Arts courses.
I am often surprised by how little TEL stuff is used in arts courses and would love to find good examples, especially using Moodle.
I too am surprised at how little TEL is utilised in education. My previous institution I was embedded within the Arts department and there was only 2/3 of us that were willing to try new things.
I was especially surprised at our media department who seemed reluctant to try new things (even blogging).
HI Ed,
sorry it’s taken me a while to reply, but maybe given the content of today’s webinar, a good time to return to your posting. I have some fairly strong feelings about the reasons that it can be hard to engage creative subject staff with online learning and teaching, and I outlined these in a recent presentation at the ICA, powerpoint available on slideshare here if you are interested. http://www.slideshare.net/lucyrenton90/does-technology-enhance-learning-renton
my main point is that unless we get the basic institutional provision systems designed on a foundation of more appropriate pedagogical models, we are always going to be struggling to get staff to want to use them. On top of this, we need to look after dyslexic staff and students who are around 28% of our population in A & D disciplines. Look forward to hearing more from you over the weeks ahead if we all last the course!