Paul Davis posted an update in the group Open Badges 10 years, 8 months ago
Hi all, just trying to attach claimed badges to my WP blog; has anyone managed to do this yet, i’ve created credly and open badges accounts. Does anyone have any thoughts / experience on implementing badges in moodle?
Paul, currently the ocTEL badges are “closed”, meaning they’re completely contained within the ocTEL site. Martin and the team are working on opening them up for inclusion in OpenBackpack and/or Credly.
Thanks for clearing that up James, I now remember hearing that they were closed atm during the webinar. Many thanks. 🙂
Hi Paul,
As I understand it Martin has decided not to use Credly to broker the badges from the BadgeOS plug-in. So they are ‘closed’ badges really.
You can do a copy and paste job, but I’m not sure you would get the benefit of the metadata?
I’ve had limited success in setting up BadgeOS and BadgeOS community add on. I might just remove the plugins and stick with the cut / paste job until I understand badges a little more. Thanks for the reply 🙂
Hi Paul,
I looked at the badges on Moodle and you have extra plugins that need to be calibrated in order to be used. Since it’s been a while i don’t remember the name of the plugin i inserted, but by now there should be new and better ones.
I’m going to upgrade to 2.6 over the summer whilst the lecturers are away, I’d be great to have a tried and tested solution for issuing badges when they return.
Issuing “gold stars” on a moodle intro course I ran when completing a quiz, really maintained their interest. I’m hoping the introduction of badges will help encourage them to use them within their own courses for their learners.