This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

#ocTEL Week 3 Webinar

#ocTEL Webinar Week 3: Designing Engaging Learning Activities – Keith Smyth // <![CDATA[ // app: // res: window.s = window.s || {}; s["base_url"] = "//"; s["env"] = "production"; s["git"] = "cd2ac03b"; s["namespace"] = "storifyapp";

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You can view a recording of the webinar. (via Elluminate, requires Java)

Screen Shot 2013-05-01 at 12.31.26 Screen Shot 2013-05-01 at 12.49.11 Screen Shot 2013-05-01 at 12.50.24 Screen Shot 2013-05-01 at 13.14.15 Screen Shot 2013-05-01 at 13.25.21 Screen Shot 2013-05-01 at 13.27.49 Screen Shot 2013-05-01 at 13.30.43

#ocTEL Webinar Week 3: Designing Engaging Learning Activities – Keith Smyth

  1. Starting in 25 mins @smythkrs talking about designing engaging learning activities – our 4th webinar in #ocTEL series…
  2. Finally attending an #octel webinar. Activity design for learning:…
  3. #ocTEL 3Es model levels are not mutually exclusive. Levels are not hierarchical – where you are located is up to you and your context
  4. #ocTEL 3Es model levels are not mutually exclusive. Levels are not hierarchical – where you are located is up to you and your context
  5. #ocTEL good mapped links between theory and actual modules from 3Es framework.
  6. #octel Couldn’t agree more “Effective activity design engages the students in creating things” @smythkrs
  7. #ocTEL Online PBL for staff development by @chrissinerantzi .. must investigate!
  8. #octel 3Es great for thinking about activity design from an online and TEL perspective.
  9. #octel think about having a go at the activity design activity for week 3. I will certainly try to!
  10. Thanks for the #ocTEL webinar @smythkrs – the 3E framework is useful to consider levels of activites and how to structure them for students
  11. “@jimjamyahauk: #octel Couldn’t agree more “Effective activity design engages the students in creating things” @smythkrs” <+1 or repurposing
  12. #ocTEL Thanks for the kind words about today’s webinar. Much appreciated. Summary to capture unanswered questions to follow :-)

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