This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

My Big Question for Technology Enhanced Learning

If and how best to plan flipped classroom class teaching via open distance learning with participants from multiple and widely ranging time zones?

I am a researcher based at the University of Leeds in the UK specialising in computational geography (for about 15 years). I practise both face to face and open distance teaching. In the last 10 years I was trained primarily via the UK e-Science program and am reasonably well connected with the group in the UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) that interfaced with this. I have also recently started a University of Leeds Teaching Awards Staff and Departmental Development phase 2 (ULTA-2) course which is innovative and run in an open minded and interactive way. I am learning about blended learning and flipped classrooms and am very interested generally in the use of technology for teaching and research. I arrived here via information sent by one of the other participants in cohort 3 of the ULTA-2 course :-)

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