This is an archive of the 2013 version of ocTEL.

Catching up , ocTEL week 7

I am a bit gutted at missing week 7 even though a holiday was lovely.  The running to stand-still feeling comes back too quickly, doesn’t it?  Anyway this week’s (week 7) content is my ‘thing’ so I am attempting to get straight.  I have reviewed the webinar but would have definitely had to put myself on the fuzzy end of the white board question ‘is this making sense’.   This resonates with me, it would be my default setting but I feel I need more evidence / proof so will do the reading before posting on that. Let’s see how that goes…

Liberating structures1

Anyway, somewhere along in either the to-do list for the week or in the webinar I stumbled across this which looks great. It is a resource of simple, easy to learn and use structures to enable individuals to release their creative potential when working together.

Liberating structures3

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