Moderator (Linda Creanor): We're just waiting for Gilly to log on to this session - she;s been in touch and trying to connect at the moment. Ale, Northampton: Gilly is online now Sandie Gay: I wonder where Gilly is (location) Sandie Gay: Hi Gilly ElizabethC in London: Hi Gilly - yes can hear you. Stephen Brown: Hi Gilly,yes can hear you Ale, Northampton: Goodday Gilly, sound is good. Moderator (Linda Creanor): Looks good Gilly Moderator (Linda Creanor): Like the pictures! Sandie Gay: Like 'facilitator' Niall Watts (UCD): Great pictures Jo Conlon 1: like invitation to learn Sandie Gay: Step 6 - look forward too? Sandie Gay: thanks Rachel Temple: Love the pictures Stephen Brown: Yes designing for the end point seems obvious, but I agree that in workshops Ive run colleagues are much more focused on content than learning outcomes. Moderator (Linda Creanor): James Kerr: backwards design? David Greeff: no kindle edition for e-tivities? David Greeff: ok, thanks Sandie Gay: Hopefully ePub edition too Rachel Temple: Again, loving the graphics in this. Makes you think about 'blue print' Rob Howe (Northampton) 1: Storyboard is one of the most valuable stages Rob Howe (Northampton) 1: Being able to conceptualise the whole path visually has led to many changes in the course / assignment delivery David Greeff: i have never done it David Greeff: (stryboarding) Sandie Gay: It would be good to have this integrated into teacher training Ale, Northampton: Sometimes the blueprint is half-baked prior to Carpe Diem due to validation and programme approval processes that took place before - and the team may be unwilling to make major changes to it. However even the tightest 'spec' allows for innovation and tweaking - within the rules. Judith (Durham UK) 1: In the 90's it was called Scheme of work Stephen Brown: what do the other coloured post its stand for? Sandie Gay: I think its the concept of collaboration that needs embedding in ITT Ale, Northampton: I use: Green = e-tivities & scaffolds; Yellow = assessment; Pink = content Moderator (Linda Creanor): I think the powerful aspect of it is getting programme teams working together - doesn't tend to happen very often! Sandie Gay: perhaps it is now.....I did mine a while ago :) Stephen Brown: thanks Ale Ale, Northampton: The storyboard is the key element... get that right and you're good for the rest of Carpe Diem. Ale, Northampton: And it's fun too. chrissi: @sandie agree! we do such things and others on our PGCAP at Salford, also using mindmapping and other approaches. Important to visualise a session, module, programme. Also walking around, as Gilly says, is a great idea, too much sitting down not good! ;) Jo Conlon 1: Sounds like IDEO design thinking - quick and dirty prototyping. Do early! Stephen Brown: yes its very similar to product design process Moderator (Linda Creanor): Sandie Gay: Anyone seen the 7C model for learning design - has similarites too Stephen Brown: Gilly does everyone get it and if not how do you manage that? Tom Franklin 1: Can you something about the theoretical underpinnings? David Walker: Edinburgh Napier 3E Framework (subject of earlier webinar) also very good: Jo Conlon 1: @David Walker, thanks Stephen Brown: yes thanks! Sandie Gay: Do people generally stick with it for learning design? Moderator (Linda Creanor): Remember it welll :-) Sandie Gay: yes Stephen Brown: Gilly can you describe the type and volume of follow-up learning support at Swinburne? Sandie Gay: thanks Jo Conlon 1: @Sandie - liking Conole 7C - thanks Stephen Brown: yes please Gilly ElizabethC in London: Ditto David Greeff: sory wrong button Sandie Gay: Thanks Gilly chrissi: Thank you very much Gilly. ElizabethC in London: When will this recording be available? James Kerr: Thank you Gilly! Judith (Durham UK) 1: Thank you Gilly very informative. Sue Folley: Thanks Gilly ElizabethC in London: Thank you Gilly David Greeff: bye bye Sandie Gay: bye David Greeff: thank you! SairaAkhtar: Bye Olavur Ellefsen: thank you Moderator (Linda Creanor): Bye!! Sharon Flynn (NUIG): Bye. Thanks Gilly Uzma, Edinburgh: Bye Moderator (Linda Creanor): Thanks to everyone for participating