rachelhtan posted an update in the group ocTEL CMALT 11 years ago
Hello, it’s good to have a list of CMALT holders, but could we have some samples of their final portfolio? I’d like to be fairly ready before registering GBP150/USD253. Perhaps I missed the link… https://www.alt.ac.uk/sites/alt.ac.uk/files/assets_editor_uploads/documents/Cmalt%20holders%20list_2013_0.pdf
Hi Rachel,
If you are looking for examples, there are some included in the Appendix to the guidelines for candidates at https://www.alt.ac.uk/sites/alt.ac.uk/files/assets_editor_uploads/documents/CMALT_Guidelines_2014.pdf
We are also sharing some example portfolios at http://cmalt-net.alt.ac.uk/pages/portfolios
Hope this helps,
Hi Maren,
Thanks so much. I like this sample, https://sites.google.com/site/tomnfeportfolio/home and the do not do this sample, https://sites.google.com/site/anonportfolio/
This how to video will be helpful, http://youtu.be/KI324MW3dgk
Does JISC stand for Joint Information Systems Committee?