Tom Buckley wrote a new post, bigbadbuckley: Week 5: #ocTEL . Really enjoyign the focus on management, leadership and projects. Technology is important but relies on implementation, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 6 months ago
Week 5: #ocTEL . Really enjoyign the focus on management, leadership and projects. Technology is important but relies on implementation— Tom Buckley (@bigbadbuckley) June 13, 2014
Julie Voce wrote a new post, julievoce: @bigbadbuckley It was quite close between our second and third ranked VLEs which prompted calls to pilot three VLEs! Two were enough! #ocTEL, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 6 months ago
@bigbadbuckley It was quite close between our second and third ranked VLEs which prompted calls to pilot three VLEs! Two were enough! #ocTEL— Julie Voce (@julievoce) June 13, 2014
Julie Voce wrote a new post, julievoce: @bigbadbuckley No, one was due to a lack of key functionality; the other was because the proprietary ones just scored higher #ocTEL, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 6 months ago
@bigbadbuckley No, one was due to a lack of key functionality; the other was because the proprietary ones just scored higher #ocTEL— Julie Voce (@julievoce) June 13, 2014
Tom Buckley wrote a new post, bigbadbuckley: @julievoce #octel whike i have you. During your vld tendering project, did the two OpnSrc systems drop out due to devlpmnt or support costs?, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 6 months ago
@julievoce #octel whike i have you. During your vld tendering project, did the two OpnSrc systems drop out due to devlpmnt or support costs?— Tom Buckley (@bigbadbuckley) June 13, 2014
Julie Voce wrote a new post, julievoce: @bigbadbuckley Glad to hear you’re enjoying week 5 of #ocTEL., on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 6 months ago
@bigbadbuckley Glad to hear you’re enjoying week 5 of #ocTEL.— Julie Voce (@julievoce) June 13, 2014
worldexpos wrote a new post, WorldExpos: Says @bigbadbuckley about #tel with a cheer or in a general #ocTEL #darwinism fatalistic gloom? 🙂, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 7 months ago
Says @bigbadbuckley about #tel with a cheer or in a general #ocTEL #darwinism fatalistic gloom? :)— Guillaume Evrard (@WorldExpos) May 19, 2014
Tom Buckley wrote a new post, bigbadbuckley: I think TEL will just become an ever increasing number of video recordings of an ever decreasing pool of good practice #tel #octel, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 7 months ago
I think TEL will just become an ever increasing number of video recordings of an ever decreasing pool of good practice #tel #octel— Tom Buckley (@bigbadbuckley) May 19, 2014
Tom Buckley wrote a new post, bigbadbuckley: http://t.co/ZGrRaZ3jkh #octel An initial stab at activity 1.1. Reflecting on training and skills development, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 7 months ago
http://t.co/ZGrRaZ3jkh #octel An initial stab at activity 1.1. Reflecting on training and skills development— Tom Buckley (@bigbadbuckley) May 06, 2014
Tom Buckley wrote a new post, bigbadbuckley: #octel https://t.co/zXOGBYtVnz A post I wrote about why I’m doing the MOOC again #Ididntfailhonest, on the site ocTEL 2014 10 years, 8 months ago
#octel https://t.co/zXOGBYtVnz A post I wrote about why I’m doing the MOOC again #Ididntfailhonest— Tom Buckley (@bigbadbuckley) April 28, 2014