barbarapg posted an update in the group Language teachers 10 years, 8 months ago
@vbaxter I am sorry to be so badly informed, but what are long-tern SOL residents?
I am trying to get more colleagues to use Google docs too. Have you worked through their self-access courses http://www.google.co.uk/edu/training/ ? One of my aims for the year! I also found Russell Stannard’s introduction quite approachable, if a bit repetitive (not always a bad thing! http://www.teachertrainingvideos.com/googledocs/index.htmlAnyway, we have just started using Moodle workshop for peer review. Is that what you are using? Would love to hear about your expereinces as we are finding it cumbersome to set up (but like most Moodle functions – great when up and running!)
I tried using Moodle Workshop but found it very difficult to manage and I did not understand how it was marking students work. Another problem was students missing deadlines – they ALL need to finish one phase before moving on to the next, which meant that we slowly lost participants as the assignment progressed and there was not much that could be done about it.
re SOL, just guessing, it isn’t a term used where I am, but maybe “speakers of other languages”?