Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: @mhawksey it has been
might write a semi-lurker’s blogpost reflecting in #octel to help make my learning more explicit, show appreciation, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
@mhawksey it has been
might write a semi-lurker’s blogpost reflecting in #octel to help make my learning more explicit, show appreciation— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) June 19, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: @mhawksey hey Martin. That graph seems normal, I guess. But #octel for me is sthg I engaged with in a semi-lurking fashion, but valued a lot, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
@mhawksey hey Martin. That graph seems normal, I guess. But #octel for me is sthg I engaged with in a semi-lurking fashion, but valued a lot— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) June 18, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: Who’s planning on engaging with #clmooc from #rhizo14 #octel #edcmooc #digped ???, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
Who’s planning on engaging with #clmooc from #rhizo14 #octel #edcmooc #digped ???— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) June 13, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: Reclaiming innovation http://t.co/FL3WpFnw8m via @jimgroom @brlamb #rhizo14 #edtech @educause #highered #octel, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
Reclaiming innovation http://t.co/FL3WpFnw8m via @jimgroom @brlamb #rhizo14 #edtech @educause #highered #octel— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) June 12, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Keeping up with the #edtech field…, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: Is there a tool where you can post/snap a photo and it tries to do a who’s who for you? #edtech #rhizo14 #octel, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
Is there a tool where you can post/snap a photo and it tries to do a who’s who for you? #edtech #rhizo14 #octel— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) June 03, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: Who is going to Sloan-C’s #blend14 ? am going virtual again #rhizo14 #octel #blendkit2014 #edtech http://t.co/rM9euHdsHj, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
Who is going to Sloan-C’s #blend14 ? am going virtual again #rhizo14 #octel #blendkit2014 #edtech http://t.co/rM9euHdsHj— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) June 03, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: Is It Okay to be a Luddite? – http://t.co/wexGD543J2 gr8 one by @slamteacher (@gihanosman we could use in our WS) #octel #rhizo14, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
Is It Okay to be a Luddite? – http://t.co/wexGD543J2 gr8 one by @slamteacher (@gihanosman we could use in our WS) #octel #rhizo14— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) June 03, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: Revisiting the Content Question – http://t.co/N89ZtOMyiN via @Bali_maha – relates to #oer discussion on #octel, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
Revisiting the Content Question – http://t.co/N89ZtOMyiN via @Bali_maha – relates to #oer discussion on #octel— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) June 03, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: Fave thing about blogs as e-assessment is that it allows us to involve an authentic audience to interact w learners beyond a course #octel, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
Fave thing about blogs as e-assessment is that it allows us to involve an authentic audience to interact w learners beyond a course #octel— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) June 02, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: Love this week’s #octel topic and guiding questions, hoping to engage this time!!!, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
Love this week’s #octel topic and guiding questions, hoping to engage this time!!!— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) June 02, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: Next twitter vs zombies #tvsz Starts June 20. See http://t.co/qqSwNeH6Ed for more details #rhizo14 #octel (@fadykromer @hodamost – edu game), on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
Next twitter vs zombies #tvsz Starts June 20. See http://t.co/qqSwNeH6Ed for more details #rhizo14 #octel (@fadykromer @hodamost – edu game)— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) May 31, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: What’s ur fave (annotated?) listing of cool #edtech tools/pedagogies? #rhizo14 #octel #BlendKit2014 #digped, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
What’s ur fave (annotated?) listing of cool #edtech tools/pedagogies? #rhizo14 #octel #BlendKit2014 #digped— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) May 31, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: Building a course on the run http://t.co/xL27XY3ywr (will blog l8r) @GihanOsman #octel #blendkit2014 #rhizo14 @SuzanKoseoglu, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
Building a course on the run http://t.co/xL27XY3ywr (will blog l8r) @GihanOsman #octel #blendkit2014 #rhizo14 @SuzanKoseoglu— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) May 28, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: “The ideas of students and not teachers should be privileged in our pedagogies” via @Jessifer #rhizo14 #octel http://t.co/bffPsuElq1, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
“The ideas of students and not teachers should be privileged in our pedagogies” via @Jessifer #rhizo14 #octel http://t.co/bffPsuElq1— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) May 27, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: Discusses diff learners: Hybrid by Choice: Increasing Engagement in a High Enrollment Course via @HybridPed http://t.co/0hEHkrDwxP #octel, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
Discusses diff learners: Hybrid by Choice: Increasing Engagement in a High Enrollment Course via @HybridPed http://t.co/0hEHkrDwxP #octel— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) May 21, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: Anyone know of an instrument for comparing sync v async video lecs? @gihanosman #blendkit2014 #octel #digped #edtech @whitneykilgore, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
Anyone know of an instrument for comparing sync v async video lecs? @gihanosman #blendkit2014 #octel #digped #edtech @whitneykilgore— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) May 20, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: Em isn’t it normal that the same person engages at diff times using diff learning approaches? #ocTEL, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
Em isn’t it normal that the same person engages at diff times using diff learning approaches? #ocTEL— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) May 18, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: MT “@HybridPed: CFP: Critical Digital Pedagogy http://t.co/H20O0rGHvj Please share widely.” #rhizo14 #octel #blendkit2014 @GihanOsman, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
MT “@HybridPed: CFP: Critical Digital Pedagogy http://t.co/H20O0rGHvj Please share widely.” #rhizo14 #octel #blendkit2014 @GihanOsman— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) May 13, 2014
Maha Bali wrote a new post, Bali_Maha: CC-BY-NC – why I am pro “non-commercial Creative Commons licensing” – http://t.co/U9BGJ8mSB3 via @Bali_maha questions 4 #octel #blendkit2014, on the site ocTEL 2014 11 years ago
CC-BY-NC – why I am pro “non-commercial Creative Commons licensing” – http://t.co/U9BGJ8mSB3 via @Bali_maha questions 4 #octel #blendkit2014— Maha Bali (@Bali_Maha) May 13, 2014
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